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intel xeon

  • 网络英特尔至强;服务器;至强处理器
intel xeonintel xeon
  1. The Tianhe-2 uses 80,000 Intel Xeon chips to generate a computational capacity of more than 33 petaflops . A petaflop is equal to about one quadrillion calculations per second .


  2. The upgrades would depend largely on new Intel Xeon chips .


  3. Parallel computing of POP ocean model on quad-core intel xeon cluster


  4. The test server used for this set of tests uses four Intel Xeon MP dual-core CPUs with hyperthreading enabled .


  5. The Cluster GPU instance belongs to the HPC group of instances , offering the equivalent of33.5 EC2 Compute Units based on a pair of Intel Xeon X5570 quad-core Nehalem processors .
